Monday, March 1, 2010

Husbands- AKA the plus 1 child

Ok, I am going to preface this with the statement that, "They have good intentions." I really believe that, well atleast most of the time. Unfortunately it seems that with all of their grandiose ideas and expectations that in the end, there is usually a woman that has to take up the slack!

Daughter #1 has decided that she wants to be on the swim team because after seeing the Olympics, she plans on competing in the next summer games ;-). There is a summer team here in countrified Tracy, California that requires practice M-F 5:pm - 7:30 April - June and weekend meets for 8 weeks. Me AKA "Designated SuperMom" works weekends and helps said daughter hours nightly to maintain her grades. I think that this commitment is HUGE and it will aslo be pricy. They other kids will have to make huge sacrifices too. But Daddy Dearest says "This will be soooo good for her, if you don't want to support her, I will!" I don't have to be Miss Cleo to guess the outcome here! The practices will all fall on me! He will do the weekends and she will be LATE, Daughter 2 and Son 1 will be miserable as the watch their sister swim every weekend in the heat OR Daughter 1 will realize how hard the work is and want to quit and waste my $400!

In the mean time Husband, AKA "the plus 1 child" and I are huffy with each other and debating this nonsense!

Calgon......Take me away!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Report card time!

AGHHHHHHH! Now that all of my 3 kids are in school, I get to look at 3 report cards and try to figure out how to help my lovely kids "reach their full potential". Of course, I know that the grades for a Kindergartner, 3rd grader, and 5th grader will never be seen by a college admissions BUT I believe that the importance of what type of student they perceive themselves to be is what is at risk.

Daughter #1 is in the 5th grade. Everyone says I favor her but I think I am overly harsh with my high expectations for her. She is super emotional (like I was) and gorgeous (like I was NOT). I taught her to read at 3 1/2 and because she was so bored in the 1st grade, her second grade teacher thought she had ADD issues. I spend hours with her weekly to keep her 3.89 GPA. Yes, I also pat my own back at those ceremonies!

Daughter # 2 is in the 3rd grade. She is outrageous and has the coolest curly hair you will ever see! She is lefty and doesn't give a flip if anyone likes her OR if she gets her work done. She gets all of her attention because she is the most funny affectionate one in the house. It is her whose grades have me in a FLURRY! Her teacher has been absent like 15 times with plays and the like yet she cannot contact me, a weekly parent volunteer, to let me know my child is "slowly" reaching grade level in many areas!!!!

Son #1 is in Kindergarten. The ladies man! He is cute and funny and charmimg The grades are going well but I don't make him do too much because I don't want him to be bored in 1st grade. The other day, a kid pushed him and he picked up a paperclip off the floor and poked the kid in the bell (don't worry, no blood!) the teacher only heard about the poke and had the nerve to tell my husband that we should be happy that she didnt document the weapons chrage! LOL

It is amazing how calming the clicking of these keys can be as I hunt and peck at a miraculous rate of speed. Who knew that I could have saved the copays to a shrink in my younger years and just taken up BLOGGING!

Until tomorrow!